Versatile mobile learning solutions

Not all training, reviews, and tutorials are the same. Discover how LearnHub solves classic challenges with effective solutions.

Training Beyond the Desk

  • Let your teams learn anywhere. Let it follow them wherever they go, and empower them to complete it offsite.

    LearnHub lets you deliver the training your teams need at any moment regardless of their location at any moment. It can make you manage and track all that learning content you are sending out your remote workforce.

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Reinforcement training

  • Make training a daily habit instead of a one-time event. Increase learning retention and remove the forgetting curve.

    With reinforcement training delivered via an app you can make sure your in-person training events effective. Maximize the return on your training cost and retain learning more effectively with reinforcement training.
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Product training

  • Whether you have 10 products, or over 10,000, make sure your teams learn the relevant information of every single product your company has.

    Constantly convey recurring product training remotely, without the added costs.

    A few minutes, every day, onsite or offsite, with a remote training platform can be all it takes to make sure employees learn every update about a product and its features. With microlearning materials accessible anytime, you can guarantee that your employees can easily retain and recall relevant information about your product.

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Corporate compliance training

  • Reevaluate how your company delivers compliance training. 

    Compliance training delivered remotely for offsite teams. Introduce an effective e-training tool to promote and ensure employee engagement and completion. 


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College In-house Review Program

  • Universities and Colleges can offer supplemental in-house review program for courses with licensure examinations for all their students at the undergraduate level. 

Licensure Review

  • Review Centers can securely offer their licensure review programs remotely to their reviewees allowing them to significantly scale and offer their programs to anyone from anywhere at anytime.

Student tutorial

  • Find out how you students can learn and reinforce their knowledge using the device they already carry everywhere — their smartphones or mobile devices.

Short-term Courses

  • Short term job oriented courses can provide anyone an advantage and get that edge.

    Short term courses with high salary will provide any learner with a foothold equipping them with the newest and updated skills.  Learners get to learn more about the industry they are taking an interest in, with the assistance of those courses.