Five Reasons Online Learning Is The Future Of Professional Development

Online education has been on the rise for the last decade, and the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated its widespread use in unprecedented ways, particularly for professional career advancement. Degree-based programs and expensive learning and development (L&D) initiatives are no longer required to foster an efficient ongoing training environment for those seeking career advancement.

Online learning has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, but the disadvantages alone are no reason to shy away from this education revolution. This approach is here to stay as a valuable additive. Without disregarding its limitations, from my vantage point as a leader in the online learning space, I believe that online learning for professional development is worth rooting for. I want to share a few notable reasons why. 

Learners can work at their own pace.

Many learners and employees prefer web-based solutions due to flexibility: They can learn at their own pace by prioritizing topics and scheduling learning per their needs.

Every learner has their own learning methodology and life demands. Expecting everyone to digest information at the same rate ignores this crucial success factor. The pacing of in-person corporate learning solutions has been a gatekeeper for non-traditional learners, like those with family caretaking responsibilities or varied learning abilities. 

A self-paced learning environment empowers employees to progress at their own momentum. In fact, web-based learning tools aid corporate training, requiring 40% to 60% less time to complete the same material. Employees can schedule when they want to learn, and time-consuming travel to training facilities is no longer required. 

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