Explore and never miss anything
Explore and view all newly uploaded lectures, video, notes or other learning materials.
Just like any social media platform, you will get instant notifications if there are new learning materials delivered, video lectures, or required readings, scheduled assessments, assignments, and more.
Attend your classes via Video-on-Demand
LearnHub lets you view and access your video lectures at your convenience anywhere, anytime, on any mobile device.
With streaming video or streaming media, you need not wait for the file to fully download to play it. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives.
Real-time Push Notifications
LearnHub makes sure that you are properly updated about the latest learning content uploaded by your institution.
Push notifications provide more value and keep you engaged and ensure you keep your progress in your learning.
Real Time Messaging
You can post questions, clarifications or request for further explanation about a particular content.
Teachers or content owners can immediately address and answer questions when they are active and online.