The mobile training platform built for Seamless Learning

Your one stop source for remote learning. We deliver a simple, adaptive, and extensively dynamic interface to give you a more engaging and effective learning experience anywhere and at all times.

Create learning content on the web. Deliver it on mobile phones.

No other mobile learning platform conveys training or new learning in the hands of your employees or students as fast as LearnHub. You can quickly check relevant and comprehensive information and updates regarding a class, review, or training you are currently attending.

Your students or remote teams need more than a Learning Management System

Training that’s long and drawn-out is unenjoyable means it’s ineffective. LearnHub is a mobile learning app that uses the facility of microlearning to form an effect on users. In as little as 5 minutes on a daily basis, employees can learn and reinforce important training topics.

You’ll see tangible results, like increased engagement, higher completion rates, and lower average training costs.

When training is tied to a location or desk, it is inconvenient, time consuming and often ineffective. With the LearnHub app, remote workers can train directly from their mobile phones, and even access their learning content offline. Over a cup of coffee, offsite or on the job, training is always at their fingertips.

Gone are the times when engagement went as far as pressing “click to proceed”. LearnHub is interactive, supporting pdf, video, notes and assessment uploads. Everyone can see their rankings on the assessment board, making learning feel like a a game, and never like a chore.

LearnHub helps you make training highly accessible making it a daily habit, so that your team can quickly apply what they learn, update their skills and keep relevant job information consistently. Its spaced-repetition technique helps your team master difficult material by adjusting to display important concepts more frequently.

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Versatile mobile learning solutions

Not all training, reviews, and tutorials are the same. Discover how LearnHub solves classic challenges with effective solutions.

Training Beyond the Desk

  • Let your teams learn anywhere. Let it follow them wherever they go, and empower them to complete it offsite.

    LearnHub lets you deliver the training your teams need at any moment regardless of their location at any moment. It can make you manage and track all that learning content you are sending out your remote workforce.

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Reinforcement training

  • Make training a daily habit instead of a one-time event. Increase learning retention and remove the forgetting curve.

    With reinforcement training delivered via an app you can make sure your in-person training events effective. Maximize the return on your training cost and retain learning more effectively with reinforcement training.
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Product training

  • Whether you have 10 products, or over 10,000, make sure your teams learn the relevant information of every single product your company has.

    Constantly convey recurring product training remotely, without the added costs.

    A few minutes, every day, onsite or offsite, with a remote training platform can be all it takes to make sure employees learn every update about a product and its features. With microlearning materials accessible anytime, you can guarantee that your employees can easily retain and recall relevant information about your product.

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Corporate compliance training

  • Reevaluate how your company delivers compliance training. 

    Compliance training delivered remotely for offsite teams. Introduce an effective e-training tool to promote and ensure employee engagement and completion. 


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College In-house Review Program

  • Universities and Colleges can offer supplemental in-house review program for courses with licensure examinations for all their students at the undergraduate level. 

Licensure Review

  • Review Centers can securely offer their licensure review programs remotely to their reviewees allowing them to significantly scale and offer their programs to anyone from anywhere at anytime.

Student tutorial

  • Find out how you students can learn and reinforce their knowledge using the device they already carry everywhere — their smartphones or mobile devices.

How do I use LearnHub to build better mobile training?

Create Videos, PDF, and Notes

Creating content with only the most important information leads to greater comprehension and memory retention. The concise space on each single or double-sided card encourages a microlearning approach to training.

Generate access code for your mobile learning

Quickly add or upload users into the platform. Sort them into groups, and give each of your managers an admin account. Admins create, share, and track training, helping you measure its effectiveness.

Distribute your access codes with your users

Deskless workers download the LearnHub app, and enter their access code. In minutes they have training at their fingertips. With a click of a button, you’ve shared training with your people, no matter where they are in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Here are answers to a few of your important questions.

QWhat is LearnHub?

LearnHub is an easy-to-use remote learning application that would enable learning institutions to deliver various multimedia and other forms of learning content to students seamlessly and securely.

QWhat type of schools can use LearnHub?

While LearnHub is optimized for Review or Training Center use because of its security features, LearnHub can also be used by academic institutions, tutorial services, individual trainers or training outfits and organizations as their learning and development platform for employees.

QDoes it have assessments or a tool to create examinations?

Yes, with LearnHub you can create assessments and have it taken as a practice exercise to ensure mastery or make it as a pre or post requisite for a lecture. Our exam tool is adaptive and works offline.

QIs it secure?

Yes, security is one of our best features. We have seriously taken into account security measures such as authentication, access control, content protection, among others.

QCan I communicate with my students or users?

Yes, LearnHub has an interactive chat feature that lets students ask questions, clarifications or provide feedback to teachers or content authors.

QIs there an installation or set-up fee?

No, there is no set up or installation cost. LearnHub is a plug and play, and pay-per-user system. There are several plans available according to your need. You can start with a basic plan and upgrade anytime.



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  • Location

    Unit 227, 2nd Floor Raintree Mall Bldg. F. Ramos Street. Cebu City

  • Call us

    (032) 412 0251